
February 4, 2020

How the Coronavirus Affects Your Business

  IMPACT Machine Update on the Coronavirus At Impact Machine Design, we are not just your partner in promoting your Brand, but we understand how to […]
June 6, 2019

We Are IMPACT Machine Design

We build Brands and drive sales by listening to you, then imagining, designing and producing unique, affordable items for IMPACTFUL consumer experiences! Founded in 2004. Impact […]
April 23, 2019

Living in a cubic world

Take a look around your office or your home and chances are there are very few products that haven’t started life in a factory across the […]
March 5, 2019

Your package design; After -thought? Think Again?

Every day as a consumer we make any number of buying decisions, from the coffee or juice we buy on the way to work, the groceries […]